Why Is My Commercial Refrigeration Not Cooling? Troubleshooting Tips and Solutions

A properly functioning commercial refrigeration system is critical for food and beverage businesses. When your commercial refrigerator fails to cool properly, it can result in spoilage, potential health risks, and financial losses. Understanding the most common causes of cooling problems can assist you in quickly diagnosing and resolving the issue. In this article, we will look at some of the most common reasons for commercial refrigeration not cooling and offer troubleshooting advice and solutions.

Common Causes of Commercial Refrigeration Not Cooling

1. Thermostat Malfunction

A faulty thermostat is a common cause of cooling problems in commercial refrigeration systems. If the thermostat is not working properly, it may fail to properly regulate the temperature, resulting in insufficient cooling. Check the temperature settings and, if necessary, consider replacing the thermostat.

2. Dirty Condenser Coils

Condenser coils are critical in transferring heat from the refrigeration system. These coils can accumulate dust, dirt, and debris over time, impairing their ability to dissipate heat effectively. To ensure peak performance, inspect and clean the condenser coils on a regular basis. To remove any buildup, use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner.

3. Insufficient Airflow

Airflow restrictions can stymie the cooling process. Make sure the refrigerator’s vents, fans, and air ducts are clear of debris. Blocked vents or a faulty fan can prevent proper air circulation, resulting in insufficient cooling. To maintain proper airflow and improve cooling efficiency, clean or replace air filters on a regular basis.

4. Refrigerant Leaks

A refrigerant leak is a serious problem that can lead to insufficient cooling and compressor damage. Listen for hissing sounds or look for oil stains around the refrigeration system if you notice a decrease in cooling performance. If a leak is suspected, contact a professional refrigeration technician immediately to repair the leak and recharge the system with the proper amount of refrigerant.

5. Compressor Problems

A refrigeration system’s heart is the compressor. Cooling issues can arise if the compressor is faulty or not functioning properly. Excessive noise, failure to start, or irregular cycling are all indications of compressor problems. In such cases, it is best to seek the help of a qualified refrigeration technician to diagnose and resolve the issue.

6. Overloading or Poor Organization

Improperly loaded or organised items inside the refrigerator can obstruct airflow and prevent cold air from effectively circulating. Check that the refrigerator is not overloaded with items and that there is enough space for proper airflow. Additionally, to ensure even cooling, organise the contents strategically, keeping perishable items away from the refrigerator walls.


A faulty commercial refrigeration system can be a major source of concern for businesses that rely on proper cooling to preserve perishable items. You can quickly identify and resolve the problem if you understand the common causes of cooling issues and follow the troubleshooting tips and solutions outlined in this article. Remember that it is always best to consult a professional refrigeration technician for complex issues or if you are unsure of the cause to ensure the optimal operation of your commercial refrigeration system.

Commercial refrigeration repair service from Active Refrigeration and Air Conditioning can provide you with reliable maintenance services. By getting your refrigeration equipment serviced regularly, you can avoid major repairs.

How Often Do Commercial Fridges Need Regassing?

Commercial refrigerators are essential in the food service industry for maintaining the freshness and safety of perishable goods. These refrigeration systems rely on refrigerant to keep the temperature stable. The refrigerant may degrade over time, resulting in a decrease in cooling efficiency. This necessitates regassing, which is the process of replenishing the refrigerant. In this article, we will look at how frequently commercial refrigerators need to be refilled and the factors that influence this frequency.

Understanding Regassing

Regassing, also known as refrigerant recharge, is the process of refilling or replenishing the refrigerant in a commercial fridge. Refrigerants absorb and release heat, allowing the cooling cycle to operate. Refrigerant levels can drop over time due to a variety of factors such as leaks, wear and tear, or poor maintenance.

Factors Affecting Regassing Frequency

Several factors influence how frequently a commercial refrigerator needs to be refilled. While there is no set time, here are some important factors to consider:

1. Age and Condition

Due to wear and tear, older refrigeration systems may lose more refrigerant. Regular maintenance and inspections can assist in identifying potential leaks and addressing them as soon as possible, reducing the need for regassing.

2. Usage Patterns

The frequency of regassing depends on how frequently the fridge is used. Constantly opening and closing doors, being exposed to warm environments, or overloading the refrigerator can all increase the workload on the refrigeration system, potentially resulting in more frequent regassing requirements.

3. Environmental Factors

The operating environment of a commercial refrigerator can have an effect on the rate of refrigerant loss. High ambient temperatures, excessive humidity, or contaminant exposure can hasten refrigerant degradation and increase the need for regassing.

4. Maintenance and Repairs

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning condenser coils, checking for leaks, and repairing any damaged components, can help optimise a commercial fridge’s performance. Neglecting maintenance or postponing repairs can contribute to refrigerant loss and increased regassing frequency.

Determining the Need for Regassing

Rather than relying on a specific time frame, it is best to monitor the performance of the commercial refrigerator and keep an eye out for signs that indicate the need for regassing. Some examples of common indicators are:

1. Inconsistent Cooling

If the fridge fails to consistently maintain the desired temperature, even after adjusting the settings, it could be a sign of low refrigerant levels.

2. Longer Cooling Cycles

When the fridge takes longer than usual to reach the desired temperature, it could be due to a lack of refrigerant.

3. Increased Energy Consumption

An overworked refrigeration system compensating for low refrigerant levels can cause a sudden increase in energy consumption with no noticeable changes in usage patterns or settings.


The frequency of regassing a commercial fridge depends on several factors, including age, usage patterns, environmental conditions, and maintenance practices. While there is no set time for regassing, monitoring the performance of the refrigerator and promptly addressing any signs of refrigerant loss can help ensure optimal cooling efficiency and extend the lifespan of the refrigeration system. Regular maintenance, inspections, and repairs are required to reduce the need for regassing and maximise the performance of commercial refrigerators.

Commercial refrigeration repair service from Active Refrigeration and Air Conditioning can provide you with reliable maintenance services. By getting your refrigeration equipment serviced regularly, you can avoid major repairs.

Common Commercial Fridge Failures: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

Commercial refrigerators are necessary appliances in a variety of industries, including restaurants, supermarkets, and food service establishments. These refrigerators are intended to keep perishable items at optimal temperatures. 

However, they, like any mechanical system, are prone to failures and malfunctions. Understanding the most common commercial fridge failures can assist business owners and maintenance personnel in quickly diagnosing issues and ensuring the smooth operation of their refrigeration systems. In this article, we will look at common commercial fridge failures and discuss possible causes and solutions.

Common Commercial Fridge Failures

1. Compressor Failure

The compressor is the heart of a commercial refrigerator, responsible for circulating refrigerant and keeping the temperature stable. Failures of compressors can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Overheating: Inadequate ventilation or excessive dust accumulation can cause the compressor to overheat and fail. The condenser coils of the refrigerator must be cleaned and maintained on a regular basis to avoid this problem.
  • Electrical Problems: The compressor can be damaged by faulty wiring, loose connections, or power surges. This risk can be reduced by ensuring proper electrical connections and using surge protectors.

Solution: When a compressor fails, it is often necessary to replace the entire unit. Cleaning the condenser coils and checking electrical connections on a regular basis can help prevent compressor failure.

2. Evaporator Fan Malfunction

The evaporator fan is in charge of circulating cold air within the refrigerator. If the fan fails, the refrigerator may not properly cool, resulting in food spoilage. The following are some of the most common causes of evaporator fan failure:

  • Motor Issues: The fan motor can wear out or become faulty over time, resulting in fan failure. This problem can be exacerbated by a lack of regular maintenance, such as lubrication.
  • Ice Buildup: Excessive ice buildup on the evaporator coils can clog the fan’s blades, preventing it from working properly. This can happen as a result of improper defrosting or a faulty defrost system.

Solution: If the evaporator fan fails, it may be necessary to replace the motor or defrost the coils to remove ice buildup. Routine maintenance should include cleaning, lubrication, and defrosting procedures.

3. Thermostat Problems:

The thermostat regulates the temperature inside the commercial refrigerator. When the thermostat fails, it can cause improper cooling, which can lead to food spoilage or freezing. The following are some of the most common causes of thermostat problems:

  • Calibration Issues: The thermostat may become inaccurate over time and fail to maintain the desired temperature. This can happen as a result of wear and tear or improper maintenance.
  • Electrical Faults: Electrical connection issues or faulty wiring can cause the thermostat to malfunction.

Solution: If the thermostat is not working properly, it may need to be calibrated or replaced. To avoid such failures, regular calibration checks and thorough inspection of electrical connections are recommended.

4. Condenser Issues:

The condenser is in charge of releasing heat from the commercial refrigerator. If it has problems, the fridge’s cooling efficiency may suffer. The following are examples of common condenser failures:

  • Dirt and Debris: Accumulation of dirt, dust, or debris on the condenser coils restricts heat dissipation, causing the refrigerator to work harder and potentially causing a breakdown.
  • Fan Motor Failure: A faulty condenser fan can cause insufficient heat dissipation, affecting the overall cooling performance.

Solution: Regular condenser coil cleaning and fan motor maintenance are critical for preventing condenser-related failures.


Understanding the common failures of commercial refrigerators is critical for businesses that rely on refrigeration systems. Owners and maintenance personnel can implement preventive measures to reduce the risk of breakdowns by being aware of these issues and their causes.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning, lubrication, and inspection of key components, is essential to ensure the smooth operation of commercial refrigerators, extend their lifespan, and protect perishable goods.

Commercial refrigeration repair service from Active Refrigeration and Air Conditioning can provide you with reliable maintenance services. By getting your refrigeration equipment serviced regularly, you can avoid major repairs.

Common Issues of Commercial Refrigeration: A Comprehensive Guide

Commercial refrigeration systems are essential in a wide range of industries, including restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, and food processing plants. These systems are intended to keep perishable goods at optimal temperatures, ensuring their freshness and quality. Commercial refrigeration systems, like any complex machinery, are prone to issues that can disrupt their functionality and impact business operations. In this article, we will look at some of the most common problems that commercial refrigeration systems face and how to deal with them effectively.

Common Issues Faced by Commercial Refrigeration Systems

1. Insufficient Cooling

Inadequate cooling is one of the most common problems encountered by commercial refrigeration systems. This issue can be caused by a number of factors, including dirty condenser coils, faulty compressors, refrigerant leaks, or insufficient insulation. In such cases, the refrigeration system fails to keep the required temperature, potentially resulting in food spoilage and financial losses. Regular maintenance, such as coil cleaning, compressor functionality testing, and refrigerant level monitoring, can help to mitigate this issue.

2. Ice Build-up and Frost

Excessive ice formation and frost formation can obstruct the proper operation of commercial refrigeration systems. It can occur as a result of factors such as incorrect temperature settings, malfunctioning defrost systems or faulty door seals. When ice forms on the evaporator coils, it restricts airflow and reduces the cooling efficiency of the system. Inspecting and cleaning the evaporator coils on a regular basis, ensuring proper defrost cycles, and repairing or replacing damaged door seals can help to reduce ice build-up and maintain optimal performance.

3. High Energy Consumption

Commercial refrigeration systems consume a significant amount of energy in many establishments. Increased energy consumption not only raises operational costs but also has an environmental impact. Improper temperature settings, insufficient insulation, or outdated equipment can all contribute to excessive energy consumption. Energy audits, temperature optimisation, upgrading to energy-efficient models, and proper insulation are all effective ways to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.

4. Compressor Failures

The compressor is the heart of any refrigeration system, and if it fails, the entire cooling process is disrupted. Electrical problems, refrigerant leaks, improper lubrication, and overloading are all common causes of compressor failure. Regular inspection, routine maintenance, and timely repairs can all help to keep compressors in good working order. To avoid extensive compressor damage, any unusual noises, vibrations, or fluctuations in cooling performance must be addressed immediately.

5. Refrigerant Leaks

Leaks of refrigerant not only reduce cooling efficiency but also pose environmental and safety risks. Leaks can occur as a result of worn-out equipment, improper installation, corrosion, or mechanical damage. It is critical to detect and repair leaks as soon as possible to avoid further damage and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Regularly checking refrigerant levels, monitoring system performance, and scheduling professional inspections can aid in the detection and repair of leaks.

6. Temperature Fluctuations

Temperature control is critical for maintaining the quality and safety of stored products. Temperature fluctuations can be caused by problems such as faulty thermostats, damaged sensors, or insufficient airflow. To maintain stable and safe storage conditions, temperature control devices must be calibrated and maintained on a regular basis, proper air circulation must be ensured, and any temperature inconsistencies must be addressed as soon as possible.


Commercial refrigeration systems are critical for businesses that rely on perishable goods storage and preservation. Businesses can optimise their refrigeration operations, minimise downtime, and ensure the longevity and reliability of their equipment by understanding the common issues that these systems face and taking proactive measures such as regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and energy-efficient practices. Prioritising commercial refrigeration system health and functionality ultimately contributes to the success and profitability of the businesses that rely on them.

Commercial refrigeration repair service from Active Refrigeration and Air Conditioning can provide you with reliable maintenance services. By getting your refrigeration equipment serviced regularly, you can avoid major repairs.

Essential Steps for Servicing Commercial Refrigeration

Commercial refrigeration systems are essential in a variety of industries, ensuring the safe storage of perishable goods and maintaining ideal temperatures for food and beverages. Regular maintenance and servicing are critical to ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of these systems. In this article, we will go over the most important steps in servicing commercial refrigeration equipment.

Step by Step in Servicing Commercial Refrigeration Equipment.

1. Inspection and Cleaning

The first step in commercial refrigeration service is a thorough inspection of the system. Examine the system for visible signs of damage, such as leaks, worn-out components, or loose connections. Check for dirt, debris, or ice buildup on the evaporator and condenser coils, fans, and motors. Clean all components with appropriate tools and solutions, ensuring that the system is free of any impediments to its performance.

2. Refrigerant Level Check

The proper refrigerant level is critical for the efficient operation of commercial refrigeration systems. Improper refrigerant levels can result in decreased cooling capacity, increased energy consumption, and potential equipment damage. Measure the pressure with a refrigerant gauge to ensure it is within the manufacturer’s recommended range. A low refrigerant level may indicate a leak, which should be addressed immediately by a qualified technician.

3. Condenser Coil Maintenance

Condenser coils are in charge of removing heat from the refrigeration system. These coils can accumulate dust, dirt, and debris over time, reducing their efficiency. Clean the condenser coils on a regular basis with a soft brush or compressed air to remove any buildup. Keep the area around the condenser unit clear of obstructions such as boxes or debris to ensure proper airflow.

4. Fan and Motor Inspection

Fans and motors in commercial refrigeration systems are critical components that allow air to circulate and keep temperatures stable. Examine the fans for proper operation, ensuring that they rotate smoothly and without making any unusual noises. Lubricate the fan bearings according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Examine the motor for signs of wear or overheating, and replace it as needed.

5. Door Seal Examination

Air leakage caused by faulty door seals can cause temperature fluctuations and increased energy consumption. Examine the door gaskets for cracks, tears, and gaps. Clean the seals on a regular basis to ensure a tight seal when the door is closed. If the door seals are damaged, they should be replaced as soon as possible to ensure maximum cooling efficiency.

6. Electrical System and Controls

Inspect the electrical components thoroughly, including wiring, switches, and controls. Examine the system for any loose connections, damaged wires, or faulty electrical components. Check that all electrical connections are secure and working properly. Controls such as thermostats and defrost timers should be tested to ensure they are working properly.

7. Maintenance Documentation

It is critical to keep accurate records of maintenance activities in order to track the servicing history of commercial refrigeration systems. Make a detailed log of all inspections, repairs, and maintenance performed. This documentation is useful for identifying recurring problems, planning future maintenance, and demonstrating compliance with industry regulations.


Commercial refrigeration systems must be serviced properly in order to operate efficiently and reliably. You can maintain optimal performance, extend the lifespan of your equipment, and reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns by following the steps outlined in this article. Regular maintenance not only saves energy and money but also helps to maintain the quality and safety of perishable goods stored in commercial refrigeration units.

Commercial refrigeration repair service from Active Refrigeration and Air Conditioning can provide you with reliable maintenance services. By getting your refrigeration equipment serviced regularly, you can avoid major repairs.

Why is There Ice Build-Up in My Freezer? Exploring Common Causes and Solutions

Ice accumulation in your freezer can be a frustrating and inconvenient issue. It not only takes up valuable storage space, but it can also degrade the performance of your freezer and increase energy consumption. In this article, we’ll look at the most common causes of ice buildup in freezers and offer practical solutions to help […]

Why Is My Air Conditioning Making Noise

How To Clean Ducted Air Conditioner Filter

A ducted air conditioner is a popular choice for many homeowners as it provides comfortable and efficient cooling throughout the house. However, like any other air conditioning unit, the ducted air conditioner requires proper maintenance and care to ensure optimal performance. One of the most crucial maintenance tasks is cleaning the air filters.

Steps To Clean Ducted Air Conditioner Filter

At Active Air-Conditioning Pty. Ltd, we are a leading company in air conditioning space and offer comprehensive solutions. Here are the steps to clean ducted air conditioner filters:

Step 1 – Turn Off The Power Supply

Before you start cleaning your air conditioner filter, turn off the power supply to the unit. This is essential to prevent any accidents or damage to the system. You can turn off the power supply at the circuit breaker or isolator switch located near the air conditioning unit.

Step 2 – Locate The Air Filter

Once the power supply is turned off, find the air filter in your ducted air conditioning system. The air filter is usually found in the return air grille, typically placed on the ceiling or wall. You can easily identify the grille by its rectangular shape and louvres.

Step 3 – Remove The Air Filter

Open the grille by releasing the latches or clips to remove the air filter. Some grilles may have screws that you need to remove. Once the grille is open, carefully remove the system’s air filter from its slot. Be gentle when removing the filter to avoid damaging the air conditioning system.

Step 4 – Clean the air filter

Now that you have removed the air filter, it’s time to clean it. There are two methods you can use to clean your air filter:

  • Vacuuming method – If your air filter is only slightly dirty, you can use a standard vacuum cleaner to remove the dirt and dust. Use the soft-bristle attachment of the vacuum cleaner and gently remove the dirt from the filter. Be careful not to damage the filter or any of its components.
  • Washing method – You can use water to clean heavily soiled air filters. First, remove any loose dirt and dust by gently tapping the filter against a hard surface. Then, fill the filter in a sink or tub with warm water and mild detergent. Soak the filter for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly with clean water. Allow the filter to dry completely before reinstalling it.

Step 5 – Reinstall the air filter

Once the air filter is clean and dry, reinstall it into the return air grille. Ensure you set it correctly in its slot and secure it with the latches or clips. Close the grille and turn on the power supply to the air conditioning unit.

How Often Should You Clean Ducted Air Conditioner Filter?

Cleaning your ducted air conditioner filter is an essential maintenance task that should be performed regularly to ensure optimal performance and longevity. The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors, such as usage, the environment, and the type of filter used.

As a general rule, cleaning your air filter every 1-3 months is recommended. If you use your air conditioner frequently or live in a dusty environment, you may need to clean the filter more often. On the other hand, if you use your air conditioner less frequently or live in a clean environment, you may be able to clean the filter less often. For more information on our Air Conditioning in Penrith services, please call Active Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Pty. Ltd. at 0419 205 607. You can also write to us via this Online Form, and we will contact you soon to discuss your requirements to clean ducted air conditioner filter.

Tips for Maintaining An Air Conditioner

air conditioning maintenance

As summer temperatures soar in Australia, air conditioners become the ultimate lifesaver. An air conditioner is an essential appliance that ensures you stay comfortable and cool during the hot and humid months. However, just like any other electrical appliance, air conditioning maintenance is necessary for them to function efficiently. Active Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Pty. Ltd is a leader in air conditioning space.

Here are some tips to help you maintain your air conditioner and keep it in excellent working condition.

1. Clean Or Replace Air Filters Regularly

The air filters in your air conditioner prevent dust, dirt, and debris from entering your home. Depending on your usage and the manufacturer’s instructions, these filters need to be cleaned or replaced regularly. Dirty filters can cause your air conditioner to work harder, resulting in higher energy consumption and a shorter lifespan. A clean air filter can help improve air quality, reduce energy consumption and increase the longevity of your air conditioner.

2. Keep The Condenser Unit Clean

The condenser unit of your air conditioner is located outside your home and is susceptible to dirt, debris, and leaves. Ensure you keep the unit clean by clearing any debris around it and cleaning it with a soft brush or cloth. Dirty condenser units can lead to blockages in the airflow, reducing the efficiency of your air conditioner and increasing energy consumption.

3. Check And Clean The Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil is inside the air conditioner unit and helps absorb heat from the air. Over time, the coil can accumulate dirt and dust, reducing the airflow and efficiency of your air conditioner. Regularly cleaning the evaporator coil will help maintain the airflow and prevent any damage to the air conditioner.

4. Adjust The Thermostat Settings

The thermostat settings of your air conditioner play a significant role in maintaining the efficiency of your air conditioner. Setting the thermostat to the right temperature and adjusting it according to your usage can help save energy and increase the lifespan of your air conditioner. It is recommended to keep your air conditioner set at around 24-26 degrees Celsius, which is comfortable and energy-efficient.

5. Check For Leaks

Air conditioners remove moisture from the air, collected in a drip tray or drain pan. Over time, these trays can become clogged or damaged, leading to leaks. It is essential to check for leaks regularly, especially during the hot and humid months when the air conditioner is constantly used. Any leaks should be fixed immediately to prevent water damage to your home and potential electrical hazards.

Other Things To Do

Apart from all the other tips mentioned above, installing blinds and curtains is also a good idea. Direct sunlight can cause your air conditioner to work harder, increasing energy consumption and reducing efficiency. Installing blinds or curtains can block out the sun and reduce the amount of heat entering your home. This, in turn, can reduce the workload on your air conditioner and save energy.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

While cleaning your air conditioner regularly can help maintain its efficiency, it is essential to schedule professional maintenance. An experienced HVAC technician can thoroughly check and clean your air conditioner, identify potential problems, and fix them before they cause significant damage. Scheduled maintenance can also extend the lifespan of your air conditioner and save you money down the track.

The Right AC Maintenance Schedule

The frequency of maintenance depends on how often you use your air conditioner, your environment, and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

As a general rule, it’s recommended to schedule professional maintenance at least once a year. This annual service should include a comprehensive inspection of the air conditioning system, cleaning or replacement of filters, and checking for any leaks or damage.

Additionally, you should clean or replace air filters every 1-3 months, depending on usage. It’s also important to clean the condenser unit and evaporator coil regularly and check for any leaks. Adjusting the thermostat settings and installing curtains or blinds can also help maintain the efficiency of your air conditioner.

Hire Proven Experts For Air Conditioning Maintenance

Regular maintenance and care of your air conditioner are essential to ensure it functions efficiently and effectively. Following these tips can help you save energy, increase the lifespan of your air conditioner and keep your home comfortable during the hot and humid months.

If you’re unsure about any maintenance tasks, it’s always best to consult with a professional air conditioning technician. They have the necessary knowledge and tools to complete the job to industry standards. Always work with a proven professional with a strong presence in the local industry. For more information on our air conditioning services, please call Active Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Pty. Ltd. at 0419 205 607. You can also write to us via this Online Form, or click the banner below to learn more about our services.