How Often Do Commercial Fridges Need Regassing?

Commercial refrigerators are essential in the food service industry for maintaining the freshness and safety of perishable goods. These refrigeration systems rely on refrigerant to keep the temperature stable. The refrigerant may degrade over time, resulting in a decrease in cooling efficiency. This necessitates regassing, which is the process of replenishing the refrigerant. In this article, we will look at how frequently commercial refrigerators need to be refilled and the factors that influence this frequency.

Understanding Regassing

Regassing, also known as refrigerant recharge, is the process of refilling or replenishing the refrigerant in a commercial fridge. Refrigerants absorb and release heat, allowing the cooling cycle to operate. Refrigerant levels can drop over time due to a variety of factors such as leaks, wear and tear, or poor maintenance.

Factors Affecting Regassing Frequency

Several factors influence how frequently a commercial refrigerator needs to be refilled. While there is no set time, here are some important factors to consider:

1. Age and Condition

Due to wear and tear, older refrigeration systems may lose more refrigerant. Regular maintenance and inspections can assist in identifying potential leaks and addressing them as soon as possible, reducing the need for regassing.

2. Usage Patterns

The frequency of regassing depends on how frequently the fridge is used. Constantly opening and closing doors, being exposed to warm environments, or overloading the refrigerator can all increase the workload on the refrigeration system, potentially resulting in more frequent regassing requirements.

3. Environmental Factors

The operating environment of a commercial refrigerator can have an effect on the rate of refrigerant loss. High ambient temperatures, excessive humidity, or contaminant exposure can hasten refrigerant degradation and increase the need for regassing.

4. Maintenance and Repairs

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning condenser coils, checking for leaks, and repairing any damaged components, can help optimise a commercial fridge’s performance. Neglecting maintenance or postponing repairs can contribute to refrigerant loss and increased regassing frequency.

Determining the Need for Regassing

Rather than relying on a specific time frame, it is best to monitor the performance of the commercial refrigerator and keep an eye out for signs that indicate the need for regassing. Some examples of common indicators are:

1. Inconsistent Cooling

If the fridge fails to consistently maintain the desired temperature, even after adjusting the settings, it could be a sign of low refrigerant levels.

2. Longer Cooling Cycles

When the fridge takes longer than usual to reach the desired temperature, it could be due to a lack of refrigerant.

3. Increased Energy Consumption

An overworked refrigeration system compensating for low refrigerant levels can cause a sudden increase in energy consumption with no noticeable changes in usage patterns or settings.


The frequency of regassing a commercial fridge depends on several factors, including age, usage patterns, environmental conditions, and maintenance practices. While there is no set time for regassing, monitoring the performance of the refrigerator and promptly addressing any signs of refrigerant loss can help ensure optimal cooling efficiency and extend the lifespan of the refrigeration system. Regular maintenance, inspections, and repairs are required to reduce the need for regassing and maximise the performance of commercial refrigerators.

Commercial refrigeration repair service from Active Refrigeration and Air Conditioning can provide you with reliable maintenance services. By getting your refrigeration equipment serviced regularly, you can avoid major repairs.